FASTING -The Cornerstone of natural healing

Fasting – The Cornerstone of Natural Healing
Fasting refers to the complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. It is nature’s master remedy. Fasting is nature’s oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. The practice of fasting is one of the most ancient customs followed by virtually all religions. The accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body which results from overeating has been identified as the common cause of all diseases.
Only one remedy can heal every disease – doing the opposite of what causes it, i.e. reducing food intake or fasting. Whenever the body is deprived of food, all elimination organs such as the kidneys, bowel, skin and lungs are given the opportunity to expel the overload of accumulated waste from the system. Thus, fasting is merely a process of purification; an effective and quick method of cure.
Fasting is for healthy and sick alike.
What Fasting Does…
1. Fasting assists nature in her continuous effort to expel foreign matter and disease-producing waste from the body.
2. It helps in correcting faults of improper diet and wrong living.
3. It leads to regeneration of the blood as well as the repair and regeneration of the various tissues of the body.
Duration of Fasting
Long fasting periods can be dangerous if undertaken without professional guidance. The duration of the fast depends on 3 things:
1. Age of the patient
2. Nature of the disease
3. Type of drugs previously used.
It is therefore advisable to undertake a series of short fasts of 2 to 3 days, and gradually increase the duration of each succeeding fast by a day or so. The period, however, should not exceed a week at a time.
This will enable the chronically sick body to gradually and slowly eliminate toxic waste matter without seriously affecting the body’s natural functioning.
After the fast, a balanced diet and a correct mode of living will restore vigor and vitality to the body.
Juice Fasting
The old classic form of fasting was pure water fast. Today, leading authorities on fasting agree that juice fasting is the best, safest and most effective fasting method, far superior to water fast. World-famous authority on nutrition, Dr. Rangar Berg notes, “During fasting, the body burns up and excretes huge amounts of accumulated waste. We can help this cleansing process by drinking alkaline juice instead of water while fasting… elimination of uric acid and other inorganic acids will be accelerated, and sugars in juices will strengthen the heart… juice fasting is, therefore, the best form of fasting.”
Juice must be prepared from fresh fruit immediately before drinking. Don’t use canned or frozen juice
Fresh juice may be diluted with pure water. Total liquid intake should be approximately 6 to 8 glasses.
1. In all cases of fasting, complete emptying of patient’s bowels must be carried out at the beginning of the fast. This is done through an enema. It removes gas or decomposing matter formed from excrement remaining in the body from bothering the patient.
2. The patient must get as much physical rest and mental relaxation as possible during the fast because a lot of energy is spent in the process of eliminating accumulated poisons and toxic waste materials.
3. Discontinue fast if dizzy spells, diarrhea, and vomiting occur and persists. Give cooked vegetables containing adequate roughage such as spinach and beets until the body functioning returns to normal.
4. Take only very simple exercises like short walks during fasting.
5. Warm water or neutral bath is advised during the period. Avoid cold baths!
6. Sun and air baths should be taken daily.
7. If sleeplessness occurs during fasting, use a warm tub bath. Hot water bottles at the feet or drinking 1 or 2 glasses of hot water can also put the patient to sleep.
Benefits of Fasting
In practically all kinds of stomach and intestinal disorders and in serious kidney and liver conditions, fasting is highly beneficial. Various nervous disorders respond favorably to fasting, and it holds the only hope of a permanent cure in many cases.
Generally, no harm comes to fasting patients, provided they take rest and are under professional care. However, fasting should not be resorted to in every illness. Long fasts will be harmful in cases of diabetes and advanced stages of tuberculosis.
During a long fast, the body feeds on its own reserves, i.e. it burns and digests its own tissues. But this is not indiscriminate. Diseased, damaged, aged or dead cells and tissues are decomposed and burnt first. This speeds up the building of new and healthy cells.
Food digestion and utilization of nutrients are greatly improved after fasting. All the vital physiological, nervous and mental functions receive a normalizing and stabilizing effect after fasting.
Breaking Fast
Success in fasting depends largely on how it is broken, and this forms the most significant phase. Observe these rules for a successful breaking of fast…
1. Do not overeat
2. Eat slowly
3. Chew your food thoroughly
4. Take several days for the gradual change to your normal diet.
You will feel no discomfort if you plan the transition to eating solid foods carefully. Be sure to continue to take rest during the transition period. Don’t jump immediately into heavy activities like work. The right food after the fast is as important as the fats itself

From: Get Heal Without Drugs


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